Top 8 Running Mistakes You Should Avoid

Are you a new runner looking for tips on maximizing your runs? Or an experienced runner who wants to perfect their technique? No matter the level, there are always running mistakes that we can make. While it may look easy, plenty of technical errors and bad practices can affect our performance. With awareness and dedication, these mistakes can easily be avoided.

Below is a list of common running mistakes you might be unknowingly making. Knowing what they are and taking corrective actions can help you run faster and longer while reducing injuries significantly.

1. Overstriding

Overstriding is a typical running error that can lead to severe injuries if left uncontrolled. It happens when the runner extends their stride too far in front of their body, resulting in an inefficient and often painful gait cycle. This usually results in the foot striking the ground with its heel instead of its midfoot or forefoot, which can generate potentially damaging shockwaves to travel up through the leg and into the spine.

By monitoring cadence and learning to avoid overstriding, runners can increase efficiency and reduce their risk of injury. Increasing cadence helps minimize contact time on the ground, which helps decrease shock impact on your joints and muscles - decreasing your chances for injury. Additionally, emphasizing a midfoot landing helps decrease both muscular strains on your legs and reduces pressure on your heels from heel striking due to overstriding.

2. Not warming up properly

Running is a great way to stay in shape and have fun. But before lacing up your running shoes, it's important to take the time to warm up properly. Warming up helps reduce the risk of injury by improving flexibility, range of motion, and muscle coordination. A good warm-up can also help athletes perform better during their runs.

Dynamic stretching is an effective way for runners to prepare their bodies before exercise. Dynamic stretches are active movements that involve taking the body or a limb through its full range of motion. Examples include leg swings, high kicks, butt kicks, lunges, and walking knee hugs – designed to loosen tight muscles and increase joint mobility.

Incorporating dynamic stretches into a pre-run warm-up routine can help prevent injuries while improving performance on the track or trail.

3. Not wearing the right shoes

Unfortunately, if the wrong type of shoes is chosen, it can lead to injuries such as plantar fasciitis, ankle sprains, and heel pain. To prevent these foot and ankle injuries while running, choosing the right running shoes tailored to your foot type is crucial. When selecting the optimal pair of running shoes, it's critical to consider several factors, including arch height and shape, foot size and structure, and even your gait pattern. Knowing these details about your feet will help you determine which shoe style will support your particular needs. Remembering that running shoes should fit snugly but still be comfortable enough for long-distance runs is also helpful. Shoes that fit too tightly or loosely could increase the chance of injury or general discomfort over time.


4. Not hydrating properly

Dehydration should not be underestimated, as it can extremely impair performance and increase the risk of heat stroke or other heat-related illnesses. Hydration is an important factor in staying safe and healthy during physical activities. When a person is dehydrated, their body has a harder time cooling off, which can cause complications like heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and even heat stroke.

The body becomes dehydrated when it does not have enough water to function properly. The most common symptoms that may indicate dehydration include feeling dizzy or lightheaded, having dark urine or dry mouth, fatigue or confusion. It is important for athletes or anyone engaging in physical activity outdoors during hot weather to drink plenty of water before and after exercise to maintain adequate hydration levels. Additionally, people should take regular breaks from activity in order to replenish fluids and avoid overheating their bodies.

5. Running too much, too soon

It may sound good to do too much running at once, but it can lead to injury, burnout, or other health problems. That's why runners should take the time to build up their mileage and intensity slowly. Gradual progression is key when it comes to running. Starting with shorter runs at lower intensities can help strengthen and build endurance over time. As you become better-fit and stronger, you can slowly add more distance and intensity to your workouts. You should also pay attention to how your body responds. If you start feeling fatigued or sore after a run, rest or ease up on the next run so that your body has time to heal and recover properly. A gradual progression plan will help you stay in shape without injuring yourself or burning out.

6. Poor form

Good running form is essential if you want to maximize your performance while reducing the chance of developing any injuries or aches and pains along the way. Poor posture, landing too heavily on your feet, or having inefficient arm movements can all take their toll over time.

For any runner, having proper running form is essential for optimizing performance and preventing injury. Good form helps you run faster, farther, and with less fatigue. To ensure your running form is up to par, focus on keeping your shoulders relaxed, your head up, and your core engaged while running.

Good posture is crucial in running form, facilitating efficient energy use throughout the body. When shoulders are relaxed and aligned with the hips, oxygen intake increases - allowing for better breathing while running. Additionally, looking ahead instead of down at the ground encourages correct spine alignment, which reduces strain on muscles and joints. Furthermore, engaging the core ensures running stability, reducing muscular imbalances that can lead to pain or injury.


7. Ignoring pain

Ignoring any pain or discomfort during a run can lead to serious injury. The best way to prevent injury while running is to pay attention to your body and take breaks as needed. When you feel pain or discomfort, slow down or take a break and assess the situation. If the pain persists after taking a break, then it might be time to see your doctor. Regularly stretching before each run can also help reduce the chance of getting injured while running, as well as help manage any pre-existing injuries you may have. Injury prevention should always be a top priority when engaging in any physical activity, especially when running since it puts more strain on your body than other activities such as walking or swimming.

8. Not cooling down properly

After a long and intense run, it's important to take the time to cool down properly. Failing to do so can cause blood to pool in your legs, leading to muscle soreness and stiffness. Static stretches are essential to any good cool-down routine and should be performed after every run.

Static stretching is a form of stretching where you hold a stretch for 20-30 seconds without moving. It helps reduce the risk of injury while helping maintain the range of motion in your muscles. Not only that, it also helps muscles relax by allowing lactic acid buildup in them, which can lead to cramps and soreness if left unchecked.

Whether you're an experienced runner or just starting out, taking the time for some static stretches will help keep your body healthy while boosting your performance over time.

To sum up

Whether you're a seasoned runner or are just starting, familiarising yourself with the potential running mistakes is essential for keeping your runs enjoyable and safe. Running with poor form or inadequate footwear can lead to unpleasant aches and pains while failing to prepare properly can leave you feeling exhausted faster than expected. Keeping in mind these key points will ensure that each run is comfortable and beneficial to your health.