What are the benefits of interval training
Interval training is a form of cardiovascular exercise in which you alternate between high and low-intensity activities without resting. When performed correctly, intervals provide many of the same benefits as longer, steady-state cardio. However, interval training is proven to be more effective at burning fat, reducing body fat percentage, and boosting metabolism.
Burning more calories
There's no one-size-fits-all solution to burning calories. There may be a solution that works for you but not for someone else. Nevertheless, a recent study shows that interval training can help boost your calorie burn, even after you've finished working out.
Interval training is a type of exercise in which you alternate high and low-intensity periods. This method increases the body's metabolism during training and after finishing it. A faster metabolism leads to more effective fat loss.
The study found that those who did interval training burned much more calories per day than those who did traditional aerobic exercise.
Interval training has the advantage that it can be tailored to the individual's fitness level. As a newbie, you can start off with shorter bursts of activity and longer periods of rest. Your intervals can gradually be intensified and prolonged as you become fitter. This is very helpful since this type of training method is effective and safe for even overweight people.
Credit: www.clearvuehealth.com
A healthier cardiovascular system
I highly recommend interval training if you want to improve your cardiovascular health. During interval training, you alternate between short bursts of high-intensity activity and brief rest periods. Research shows steady-state cardio isn't as effective at improving heart health as this type of training.
One reason interval training is so beneficial for the heart is that it helps to improve the body's ability to use oxygen. During interval training, your body adapts to transport oxygen from the lungs to the muscles more efficiently. This means your heart doesn't have to work as hard during exercise, leading to decreased blood pressure and improved heart function.
Performing interval training can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and stroke. Also, another study found that interval training reduced inflammation and oxidative stress.
Better endurance
Interval training is one of the best methods for improving physical endurance. The high-intensity bursts of activity are broken up by short rest periods, allowing the body to recover before beginning the next burst. This type of training has improved performance levels during endurance activities such as running and cycling but works for any type of sport.
In a study, researchers asked participants to complete two cycling tests. The first test was a moderate-intensity ride, while the second was an all-out sprint. The participants then completed a third test, which was a combination of the two rides.
The results showed that interval training improved the participants' physical endurance more than the moderate-intensity ride. In fact, interval training improved it by almost 25%.
Credit: www.kin-fit.com
Improved strength
There's a reason interval training is one of the most popular forms of exercise: it works. A study found that interval training significantly improved strength in participants.
The study divided participants into two groups: those who performed interval training and those who performed traditional endurance training. Both groups showed significant improvements in strength, but the interval training group saw more significant gains. Specifically, the interval training group saw a nine percent increase in peak power output and a 16 percent increase in 1RM strength.
Better mental health
You feel better after interval training because it releases endorphins, which are hormones that make you feel good. Endorphins are also known as the "feel-good" hormones. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, improving your mood and making you feel happier.
Time-effective workout
Interval training is a time-efficient workout that can help improve your overall fitness level. You can get an effective cardio workout in a shorter amount of time by alternating between high- and low-intensity intervals. Besides burning more calories in less time, interval training can also help you lose or maintain weight.
Who should not do HIIT?
HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a great way to get in shape fast. But some people should not do HIIT. Pregnant women, people with heart conditions, and those who are new to exercise should all avoid HIIT.
Is it better to run continuously or in intervals?
In terms of improving athletic performance, interval training is considered to be one of the most effective methods. This will help you win that big race. During an interval workout, the duration of work at maximum effort is longer than in a continuous workout.