How interval training can help you lose weight and get fit

The most effective form of aerobic exercise for fat loss is interval training, which is now well-established in science. It keeps the metabolism going for hours after the workout is over. Hence, the fat-burning effect lasts for hours after the training has ended.

What is the interval all about?

Interval training refers to workouts that are broken down into phases, i.e., a very intense phase is replaced by a shorter, less intense one. You could say it's a rest phase, but it's definitely an active rest. When you are running, it is a jog that replaces a sprint, not a walk. Intervals were initially introduced to runners, but their popularity and impact spread rapidly to athletics, cycling, team sports, and eventually to fitness.

An interval workout can be built in many ways. Your training plan needs to consider many factors, so there's no shame in asking a professional coach for assistance. You must tailor the start to your current fitness level, workload, how long the intensive phase will last, and how long the rest period will last. A heart rate monitor can be helpful, as it will give you feedback on your endurance by monitoring how much you are suffocating. This will also provide feedback on how your resting heart rate returns during the resting phase.

HIIT is a high-intensity version of interval training in which the heart rate reaches its maximum value during the work phase. You have no time to waste in the active phase, you must give it all you've got. Therefore, it is like running an atomic sprint. Afterward, there is a short rest. Regarding real HIIT, you can have a 1:1 ratio, but if you have a 1:3 balance, it will also be tedious and exhausting. Sprinting for 20-30 seconds is recommended since this is the time interval in which maximum power can be sustained. Sprint for 20 seconds, then rest for 60 seconds.


The positive effects of interval training

  • HIIT is a type of training that increases the body's metabolic rate at rest. After exercising, HIIT training increases oxygen consumption. The increase in metabolism is so significant that it lasts for 24 hours after exercising. So even when you're resting, you can expect to lose fat. That is why it is so popular among those who want to lose weight quickly. (Although weight loss greatly depends on your diet and lifestyle.)

  • A traditional, low-intensity aerobic exercise only burns fat after about 30 minutes. With HIIT, this can happen much earlier, so you can burn much more fat even while exercising.

  • By incorporating it into your training plan, you can increase the efficiency of your workout and break down a plateau as well by breaking your body's adaptation. As it requires stamina, it is not recommended for beginners, who should reach a level of stalling before attempting it.

  • A high-intensity interval training program improves the lungs' oxygen uptake capacity and trains the heart and circulatory system. However, do not overload the heart and circulatory system at the beginning.

  • A high-intensity interval training program also increases maximum oxygen consumption much more than a low-intensity monotonous aerobic workout.

  • The benefits of HIIT training also include improving insulin sensitivity by reducing insulin resistance.

  • HIIT saves time, and since you don't need tools to do it, you can do it wherever and whenever you want! How long does a traditional, boring aerobic workout last? I'd say at least 45 minutes. You can do a real, intense interval workout in 20-25 minutes. It takes half the time to get a better workout than a slow, monotonous aerobic workout!


Does interval training have risks?

Interval training has become popular in recent years as a way to improve fitness and lose weight. However, there are some risks associated with interval training.

One risk is that people may push themselves too hard and injure themselves. Interval training can also be stressful on the body, leading to overtraining syndrome. Overtraining syndrome can cause various symptoms, including fatigue, insomnia, joint pain, and mood swings.

Why do athletes use interval training?

The benefits of interval training include improving endurance for athletes. Athletes can train their bodies to handle sustained bouts of high-intensity exercise better by performing short-term high-intensity exercises followed by short rest periods. Their performance in endurance sports can be improved as a result.

Interval training can also help athletes improve their speed and power. By doing short bursts of high-intensity exercise, athletes can train their bodies to move faster and generate more power. This can help them perform better in sprinting or power sports competitions.