Caffeine: uses, benefits, and disadvantagesCaffeine is a naturally occurring stimulant. Learn about the pros and cons of caffeine consumption.addictionshealthy-life
Do you recognize these signs of alcoholism in yourself?We've put together a list of signs of alcoholism that you should watch out for. If you or someone you know displays these symptoms, it's time to seek help.addictionshealthy-life
Frequently asked questions about caffeine: answered!Learn all about caffeine, from the basics to the most detailed information. Get tips, learn about side effects, and more.addictionshealthy-life
How alcohol affects the brainThe effect of alcohol on the brain is a complex one. Learn about how alcohol affects your mood, behavior, and cognition.addictionshealthy-life
What are the health risks of smoking cigarettesSmoking is one of the most dangerous things you can do to your body. In fact, it's the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.addictionshealthy-life
What are the healthiest foods to eat if you smoke?Learn about the best healthy foods for smokers. Find out why these foods are important and how they will help you.addictionshealthy-life